
The American Museum of Natural History is offering a master's degree in teaching, part of a broad national campaign to add 100,000 science, technology and math teachers by 2021 Teaching Science Teachers…
This chapter examines the affordances of museum resources in informal settings and how they shape science teacher identity. This chapter examines the affordances of museum resources in informal settings…
This article describes research from a clinical experience in a museum where teacher candidates engaged visitors in learning dialogs around objects on a moveable cart in an exhibit. We describe how working in informal…
This article describes a museum-based urban teacher-residency (UTR) program's approach to building subject-specific content knowledge and research experience in Earth Science teacher candidates. This…
In 2012, the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) in New York City launched the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) Urban Residency Program. Developing a teacher preparation program from scratch is a tall order, and the…
This article describes the role of museums in supporting schools and teachers in addressing the demands of the NGSS. Released in 2013, the Next Generation Science Standards have the potential to…
This paper reviews the literature on mentor teachers’ learning in relationship to high leverage practices and summarizes existing research on mentoring and experienced teacher learning that might help inform the design of…
This paper describes a residency model that includes faculty members who serve as Senior Specialists – mentors in school residency rotations, advisors in teaching as a profession, and co-instructors in academic courses and…
This blog post includes the link to 4 videos of teachers using the project's middle school ecosystems unit. Kastel, D. (2017, August 25). Classroom videos from disruptions in ecosystems unit [Blog post…
Disruptions in Ecosystems is a middle school curriculum unit with supporting teacher materials. The unit includes five chapters, each focused on a specific phenomenon related to ecosystem disruption, including questions…
This resource provides access to a classroom video of a lesson from the project's middle school ecosystems unit, and the related student scaffold and scoring rubric. American Museum of Natural History…
The MEL project has developed a set of teaching resources to support the teaching of controversial and/or complex Earth and space science topics. The MEL project has developed a set of teaching…
Foregrounding climate education in formal science learning environments provides students with opportunities to develop critical climate-related knowledge and skills. However, research has shown many challenges to teaching…
This self-reflective case study describes our project team’s efforts to promote equity in science professional learning (PL) by centering the voices of educators in the PL design process and within the course itself. In…
Join your colleagues in the City of Brotherly Love for NSTA's 58th National Conference on Science Education. Conference registration and exhibits will be at the Pennsylvania Convention Center. Most sessions and events have…
Conference 21st Century Skills Achievement Astronomy Assessment Biology Classroom Practice Chemistry…
Conference 21st Century Skills Achievement Astronomy Assessment Biology Classroom Practice Chemistry…
21st Century Skills Achievement Astronomy Assessment Biology Classroom Practice Chemistry Climate Change…