
Eight middle school mathematics teachers’ perceptions and uses of curriculum materials and the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM) were investigated. Eight middle school mathematics…
A poster to be presented at the Association of Science Teacher Educators International Conference. Hapgood, S., Heuring, J. & Wilson, G., Czerniak, C. (Accepted for January 2020). Early Childhood…
Paper presented at the European Science Education Research Association. Czerniak, C. M., Kaderavek, J., Paprzycki, P., Hapgood, S., Mentzer, G., Molitor, S., & Mendenhall, R. (2019). Longitudinal…
Paper presented at the Global Conference on Education and Research. Czerniak, C. M., Paprzycki, P., Hapgood, S., & Kaderavek, J. (2019). Longitudinal Impact of Early Childhood Science Instruction on…
Paper presented at the Society for Research on Child Development Conference. Hapgood, S., Paprzycki, P., Czerniak, C.M. (2019). Scientific Inquiry for Young Children: Linking Teacher Professional…
The authors studied how the distal policy mechanisms of curricular aims and objectives articulated in official curriculum documents influenced classroom instruction, and the factors that were associated with the enactment…
This study explored the verb clauses and thematic development evident in curriculum materials and in transcripts of teachers planning lessons using the materials. The study explored the verb clauses and…