DRK-12 Research and Products

Presentation | View a recording of the entire webinar presentation, here: http://edc.adobeconnect.com/p4tqfgcvvp1/ The webinar is designed to introduce awardees to the ins and outs of project management. This session is adapted from the in-person meeting held…
Publication | The high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) experiment, most often done in the undergraduate analytical instrumentation laboratory course, generally illustrates reversed-phase chromatography using a commercial C18 silica column. To avoid…
Publication | Equity in mathematics education should be one of the most important concerns of teachers, administrators, policy makers, mathematicians, and mathematics educators. In fact, the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educator (AMTE), the National…
Publication | This was a Keynote Address to be presented at the Korea Society of Educational Studies in Mathematics Conference in Seoul, South Korea on November 12th, 2011.
Presentation | Measurement is a critical component of mathematics education, but research on the learning and teaching of measurement is limited, especially compared to topics such as number and operations. To contribute to the establishment of a research…
Publication | This article provides a cultural-historical (CHAT) analysis of the practices used by an effective teacher of Latino/a children previously classified as “underachieving” and “beginning/novice” English Language Learners. Although the teacher would…