DRK-12 Research and Products

Product for Educators | The Urban Ecology Curriculum for English Learners is an interdisciplinary, standards-based, upper elementary/middle school curriculum designed to bolster English language and literacy learning for Long Term English Learners (LTELs)1,…
Publication | This paper describes a guided-inquiry activity designed for the first week of a first-year high school chemistry course.
Tool | DIA2 is a new visualization tool to search the NSF award database.
Publication | This brief explores factors that contribute to opportunity gaps in STEM education based on race, ethnicity, gender, ability, and socioeconomic status. It showcases the work of several DR K-12 projects and describes promising approaches for…
Product for Educators | This is a free resource to educate the public about Ebola. The website includes an interactive model that allows teachers, students, and community members to actively explore the factors that influence a disease’s spread and mortality…
Tool | Understand students’ fraction concepts through interview tasks. Includes tasks and guide to record student thinking.
Presentation | NSF Program Officer Karen King provides information on the DR K-12 program and solicitation in this webinar series.
Publication | A symmetric polynomial is a polynomial in one or more variables in which swapping any pair of variables leaves the polynomial unchanged. For example, f(x, y, z) = xy +xz + yz is a symmetric polynomial. If we interchange the variables x and y, we…
Presentation | In this webinar, presenters describe how the study of Complex Adaptive Systems through computer modeling and simulation fits into existing science frameworks and classes, share information about their program and curricula, and describe the…
Publication | This article describes research from a clinical experience in a museum where teacher candidates engaged visitors in learning dialogs around objects on a moveable cart in an exhibit. We describe how working in informal settings and learning to…
Publication | This article describes a museum-based urban teacher-residency (UTR) program's approach to building subject-specific content knowledge and research experience in Earth Science teacher candidates.
Publication | Case Studies from the FAACT project.
Presentation | In this webinar, NSF Program Officer David Campbell introduces DR K-12 awardees to the ins and outs of project management, sharing information on evaluation and reporting, advisory boards, Institutional Review Boards (IRB), NSF Highlights, and…
Presentation | In this webinar, presenters describe how the study of Complex Adaptive Systems through computer modeling and simulation fits into existing science frameworks and classes, share information about their program and curricula, and describe the…
Publication | This article introduces CAT as explored through the Supporting Computational Algorithmic Thinking (SCAT) project, an ongoing longitudinal between-subjects research project and enrichment program that guides African-American middle school girls (…
Publication | This commentary highlights key themes across the five chapters of this volume, as well as offers specific recommendations concerning future directions for inquiry on the issue of family–school connections.