GeoGebra 2010 Conference in North America

This project provides partial support for the First North American GeoGebra Conference, GeoGebra-NA2010, to be held July 27-28, 2010 at Ithaca College. The global mission of this conference is to build a community of mathematicians, mathematics educators, and classroom teachers who can develop the potential of GeoGebra and other similar software for transformation of mathematics instruction and curricula through creative development, practical experimentation, and research.

Full Description

GeoGebra is free, open source dynamic mathematics software that joins interactive geometry with algebra and spreadsheet features that have striking potential for transforming STEM education in schools, mathematics and engineering departments. While GeoGebra has received several educational software awards in Europe and the USA, it has not reached its full potential for transformative influence on the American K-16 mathematics education community.

This project, led by mathematics faculty at Ithaca College and an international group of collaborating planners, provides partial support for the First North American GeoGebra Conference, GeoGebra-NA2010, to be held July 27-28, 2010 at Ithaca College. The global mission of this conference is to build a community of mathematicians, mathematics educators, and classroom teachers who can develop the potential of GeoGebra and other similar software for transformation of mathematics instruction and curricula through creative development, practical experimentation, and research.

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