Organization URL Projects Fossil Finders: Using Fossils to Teach About Evolution, Inquiry and Nature of Science CAREER: Learning to Support Productive Collective Argumentation in Secondary Mathematics Classes Mini-Symposia: The Results of the African Diaspora: Developing Black Scholars in Science Education for the 21st Century in the United States, Part II Language-Rich Inquiry Science with English Language Learners (LISELL) Smarter Together Working Conference: Developing a Shared Curriculum of Complex Instruction for Elementary Mathematics Methods Courses Language-Rich Inquiry Science with English Language Learners Through Biotechnology (LISELL-B) Undergraduate Biology Education Research Program CAREER: Characterizing Critical Aspects of Mathematics Classroom Discourse CAREER: Examining the Role of Context in the Mathematical Learning of Young Children Persistent, Enthusiastic, Relentless: Study of Induction Science Teachers (PERSIST) CAREER: Advancing Secondary Mathematics Teachers' Quantitative Reasoning