The 2015 Teaching & Learning Video Showcase features 112 short videos on STEM education research & development. Forty-one of these 3-minute videos showcase the work of NSF's Discovery Research K-12 (DR K-12) program. The interactive portion of the showcase was held May 11-15th, 2015. However, you can still view the videos and read the discussions that took place.
Congratulations to the following DR K-12 videos that were recognized:
- Facilitators’ choice: Math Snacks, Next Generation Preschool Math, Promoting Quality Talk in High School STEM Classes, PhET Interactive Simulations: An Overview, and Engineering is Elementary.
- Public choice: Promoting Quality Talk in High School STEM Classes, PhET Interactive Simulations: An Overview, Engineering is Elementary, and Exploring the Infinite Possibilities of Dynamic Geometry.
- Presenters’ choice: PhET Interactive Simulations: An Overview, The Power of Implicit Game-based Learning, Expressive Digital Tools for Elementary Math Education, and Supporting Teacher Learning about Argumentation.
See videos from the 2016 NSF STEM For All Video Showcase, 2017 STEM For All Video Showcase, and 2018 STEM For All Video Showcase as well.