Mentor/Mentee Recommendation Form

Have you had a particularly valuable mentor-mentee relationship, or know someone who has?

CADRE is developing a series of resources on mentoring and would like to learn more about what contributes to a positive experience. We invite you to volunteer yourself, or recommend a PI, advisor, professor, student, or other member of the DR K-12 community, whose experiences could help inform others as they develop mentoring relationships and implement mentoring plans.

Please provide information about yourself and the mentor/mentee(s) below. You may submit the form more than once if you have additional recommendations. We will contact these individuals directly to determine whether they are interested in contributing to this effort by participating in an informal interview, participating in a webinar, or in some other manner.

Please submit your recommendations by August 13, 2015. 

I am recommending a
Please give a brief description of your mentoring experience.
What made this relationship a valuable mentoring experience? The mentor
Select all that apply.
If you selected 'other', please use this space to explain what made your mentoring relationship valuable or to provide any additional information you would like to share.
What made this relationship a valuable mentoring experience? The mentee
Select all that apply.
If you selected 'other', please use this space to explain what made your mentoring relationship valuable or to provide any additional information you would like to share.
What made this relationship a valuable mentoring experience? The mentor
Select all that apply.
If you selected 'other', please use this space to explain what made your mentoring relationship valuable or to provide any additional information you would like to share.
What made this relationship a valuable mentoring experience? The mentee
Select all that apply.
If you selected 'other', please use this space to explain what made your mentoring relationship valuable or to provide any additional information you would like to share.
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