2023 Registration: NSF DRK-12 Solicitation (23-596) Webinars

Please review the following recordings and materials from prior webinars to help make the NSF Office Hours most productive:
  • 2023 NSF Information Session: Recording
  • Q&A 1 - July 20, Merit Review Criteria, Program Strands, and Project Types: Recording | Slides
  • Q&A 2 - July 25, Technical Support and Budgeting: Recording | Slides
Which webinar(s) will you attend? (select all that apply)
Office Hours: Small group discussions with NSF POs
Have you ever submitted a DRK-12 proposal before?
How did you learn about this webinar?
Do you want to subscribe to the CADRE newsletter for DRK-12 and STEM Education news and resources?
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