Elementary School

Perspectives for Advancing the Effectiveness of Elementary Science Instruction for Student Learning: Importance and Challenges


Presenters discuss how their projects contribute systemically to the design, implementation, and evaluation of quality elementary science programs.

2014 Session Types
Collaborative Panel Session

Quality elementary science programs are faced with the challenge of adapting and/or building upon the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) in order to provide an essential foundation for student learning and interest in science. As such, these science programs must address how the practices of science can be linked with cross-cutting concepts through meaningful learning contexts that, of necessity, evolve progressively across grades.

Challenges Aligning Existing Measures with Professional Development Learning Goals to Evaluate Program Effectiveness


This session provides a forum for discussing the challenges of evaluating program effectiveness by using existing measures that vary in their alignment with program learning goals.

2014 Session Types
Collaborative Panel Session

This session provides a forum for discussion around issues of alignment between programs, their learning goals, and the measures for assessing program effectiveness. The session seeks to offer ideas and strategies on how to tackle these kinds of issues.

The session addresses a common challenge in research—the tension between the need for using existing measures to ensure that research results can be compared across studies and the need for using measures that are well-aligned with a program’s learning goals to assess treatment effects.

A Review of DR K–12 English Language Learner Projects and Their Contribution to Research


This session explores the role of funding programs in shaping research agendas. The springboard for discussion is a case study that investigated DR K12 contribution to research in science and mathematics education for English language learners.

2014 Session Types
Mini-plenary Presentation

This session explores the role of funding programs in shaping research agendas through deliberate and targeted funding for priority areas. With the English language learner (ELL) population in U.S. schools on the rise and a growing demand for expansion and development of STEM education, intersecting research in these two fields represents an important effort to address pressing issues in U.S. schools and the STEM workforce.

A Grand Opportunity: Synergy and Interoperability Across Educational Games and Simulations


Join this lively, interactive discussion examining the opportunities for coordinating work in games and simulations. Discuss and plan embedding, data capture/analytics, customization, and more!

2014 Session Types
Collaborative Panel Session

The advent of today’s widespread educational technology presents some new and exciting opportunities. Models and simulations can be easily embedded in other content. Research is exploring the use of simulations and games for novel assessment purposes. Technologies—especially HTML5 technologies—are making formerly unprecedented learning possible. This moment is unique, and as educational designers and researchers, we should be making the most of it and ensure that our work is aligned for maximum synergy.

The Challenges of Assessing the Dynamics of Change in Students’ Physical Science Knowledge and the Coherence of Their Ideas in the Context of Model-Based Inquiry


Presenters seek feedback on a graphic mapping approach to assess the dynamics of change in students’ science knowledge over the course of instruction.

2014 Session Types
Feedback Session (Work in Development)

Current knowledge assessment techniques, such as paper-and-pencil or performance assessments, can provide robust data about gross changes in the distribution of student knowledge over the course of instruction. However, we lack effective ways of coordinating student data collected across varied instruments, time points, and activity contexts to examine patterns of change and dynamics of growth across large numbers of students.

Moving Toward Collective Impact on Climate and Global Change Education


Participants discuss and identify what coordination is needed across DR K12 efforts to enable sustained collective impact on the issues presented by climate, global, and environmental change.

2014 Session Types
Collaborative Panel Session

DR K12 projects have been funded to conduct (1) activities and develop materials that are beneficial to the STEM education community (teachers and students) and (2) education research to ensure continuous improvement of these activities and materials.

Learning as a Community: Maximizing the Impact of Research Syntheses in Science Education


This interactive session is designed to promote critical thinking about current research practices and integrate a variety of perspectives on research syntheses and how they can help advance education research.

2014 Session Types
Collaborative Panel Session
Session Materials

Examples of research practices that limit the validity of research syntheses are not difficult to find. For example, Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC), and Abt Associates reported in their Compendium of STEM Instruments that psychometric reporting practices in the STEM community tend to be insufficient, and this limited what they could learn from their synthesis.

Exploring the Challenges of Supporting Teachers to Enact Ambitious Instruction and Curriculum Practices in Mathematics


This session addresses challenges related to supporting teachers’ use of curriculum materials to address the challenging features of the CCSSM.

2014 Session Types
Collaborative Panel Session
Session Materials

The Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM) offer an opportunity for districts to push teachers to enact ambitious practices around instruction and curriculum use. However, taking up ambitious practices entails a number of challenges, some of which were evident during the NCTM Standards reform movement in the 1990s and early 2000s, and some of which reflect new approaches and new policy contexts.

Building Theory While Supporting Implementation of the NGSS


Implementing the NGSS requires changes in teaching, assessments, and curriculum materials. In this session, participants explore theoretical questions for DR K12 research that are raised by these NGSS implementation challenges.

2014 Session Types
Mini-plenary Presentation

The Next Generation Science Standards present important shifts for science teaching, assessment, and curriculum materials—focusing on core explanatory ideas, a central role for science and engineering practices, and coherence across time and science disciplines. These challenges for practice require new theoretical advances.

Professional Development Materials: Supporting Facilitators at Different Levels


Participants provide feedback on materials from a professional development program developed to help elementary teachers promote mathematics discourse, with attention to the design of facilitation support.

2014 Session Types
Feedback Session (Work in Development)
Session Materials

The main goal of this session is to share and get feedback on materials from a 40-hour professional development program for elementary mathematics, focusing in particular on the organization of facilitation supports included in these materials. The PD was designed to help teachers promote discourse in elementary mathematics classrooms. In particular, it defines and helps teachers implement “responsive” discourse in the classroom, that is, discourse in which all students are responsible for learning and engaged in probing each other’s mathematical ideas.