21st Century Skills

Navigating to NGSS Success: Identifying a Research Agenda


Leaders of three DR K-12 projects identify successful instructional strategies for using technology-enhanced curriculum materials, games, and models to achieve the NGSS practices.

2014 Session Types
Collaborative Panel Session

The media, the public, and, indeed, many teachers have significantly criticized the introduction of the Common Core, citing concerns such as that it overcomplicates simple topics, diminishes innovation, and ignores equity issues. Following the recent introduction of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), we need compelling examples and powerful research to prevent premature criticism and ensure successful implementation.

Moving Toward Collective Impact on Climate and Global Change Education


Participants discuss and identify what coordination is needed across DR K12 efforts to enable sustained collective impact on the issues presented by climate, global, and environmental change.

2014 Session Types
Collaborative Panel Session

DR K12 projects have been funded to conduct (1) activities and develop materials that are beneficial to the STEM education community (teachers and students) and (2) education research to ensure continuous improvement of these activities and materials.

Meaningful Support for Teachers: Specific Ways to Encourage Game-Based Learning in the Classroom


Panelists from three projects share lessons learned in guiding game use in classroom learning, highlighting specific examples of effective resources.

2014 Session Types
Collaborative Panel Session

The three panelists in this session are in the last one or two years of their game-based learning projects, and all have done extensive work in supporting use of their games in classroom learning. As their work has progressed, each has discovered valuable ways to support teachers as well as encountered surprises in what teachers wanted (and didn’t want), and now recognize things they wished they had learned in the beginning of their projects. Session participants leave with recommendations they can use in their current projects, including:

Standards in K-12 Tech Literacy & Engineering: Implications for Design & Research (Schunn)


Christian Schunn

Short Description

Join the panelists from the plenary presentation to continue conversations about common
standards in each of the STEM disciplines.
