
Longitudinal Investigation of Primary Inservice Teachers’ Modelling the Hydrological Phenomena

To develop students’ capacity for science and to engage them productively in science and engineering practices, science education reform efforts have focused on supporting teachers’ development of conceptual understandings through engagement with both disciplinary content and practices, including science teaching at the primary level. One topic of importance for primary science instruction focuses on Earth systems and, in particular, hydrological phenomena.


Tina Vo

Cory Forbes

Laura Zangori

Christina Schwarz

Short Description

This manuscript focuses on longitudinal research with four primary inservice teachers’ learning and engagement in model-based teaching about water over three years, investigating teachers conceptualizations and practice modelling water related phenomena over time. Findings from the study indicate while each teacher had individual trajectories in conceptualising and enacting scientific modelling in the classroom, we observed unique approaches within teachers.

Developing Student 21st Century Skills in Selected Exemplary Inclusive STEM High Schools

There is a need to arm students with noncognitive, or 21st Century, skills to prepare them for a more STEM-based job market. As STEM schools are created in a response to this call to action, research is needed to better understand how exemplary STEM schools successfully accomplish this goal. This conversion mixed method study analyzed student work samples and teacher lesson plans from seven exemplary inclusive STEM high schools to better understand at what level teachers at these schools are engaging and developing student 21st Century skills.


Stephanie M. Stehle

Erin E. Peters-Burton

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

This conversion mixed method study analyzed student work samples and teacher lesson plans from seven exemplary inclusive STEM high schools to better understand at what level teachers at these schools are engaging and developing student 21st Century skills.

Supporting the Scientific Practices Through Epistemologically Responsive Science Teaching

Meaningfully engaging students in the NGSS scientific practices requires that student ideas become the driving force of classroom activity. However, in order for student ideas to take on this new role, teachers must engage in responsive teaching in which they elicit, notice, and respond to the substance of student thinking. In this work, we explore a variety of types of responsive teaching and elaborate a specific type of responsive teaching—what we call epistemologically responsive science teaching.


Leema K. Berland

Rosemary S. Russ

Cori P. West

Short Description

In this article, authors explore a variety of types of responsive teaching and elaborate a specific type of responsive teaching—epistemologically responsive science teaching.

The Effect of Automated Feedback on Revision Behavior and Learning Gains in Formative Assessment of Scientific Argument Writing

Application of new automated scoring technologies, such as natural language processing and machine learning, makes it possible to provide automated feedback on students' short written responses. Even though many studies investigated the automated feedback in the computer-mediated learning environments, most of them focused on the multiple-choice items instead of the constructed response items. This study focuses on the latter and investigates a formative feedback system integrated into an online science curriculum module teaching climate change.


Mengxiao Zhu

Ou Lydia Liu

Hee-Sun Lee

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

This study investigates a formative feedback system integrated into an online science curriculum module teaching climate change.

The Impact of Engineering Curriculum Design Principles on Elementary Students’ Engineering and Science Learning

The Framework for K‐12 Science Education and the Next Generation Science Standards propose that students learn core ideas and practices related to engineering as well as science. To do so, students will need high‐quality curricular materials designed to meet these goals. We report an efficacy study of an elementary engineering curriculum, Engineering is Elementary (EiE) that includes a set of hypothesized critical components designed to encourage student engagement in practices, connect engineering and science learning, and reach diverse students.


Christine M. Cunningham

Cathy P. Lachapelle

Robert T. Brennan

Gregory J. Kelly

Chris San Antonio Tunis

Christine A. Gentry

Short Description

This article reports an efficacy study of an elementary engineering curriculum, Engineering is Elementary, that includes a set of hypothesized critical components designed to encourage student engagement in practices, connect engineering and science learning, and reach diverse students.

Socio-Ecological Scales of Time

This graphic is designed to support students, teachers, and families in thinking across timescales to understand socio-ecological relationships to place across time.


Learning in Places

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

This graphic is designed to support students, teachers, and families in thinking across timescales to understand socio-ecological relationships to place across time.

Socio-Ecological Histories of Place Teaching Tool

This resource serves as a guide for how to use Histories of Place in planning and instruction.


Learning in Places

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

A guide for how to use Histories of Place in planning and instruction.

Rhizome and Seasonal Storyline for Field-based Science

This tool, Rhizome, contains three foundational pillars: complex socio-ecological systems, nature-culture relations, and field-based science learning, with student learning and sense making made central. The Seasonal Storyline engages learners and their families in field-based science that connects family knowledge and place-based, student-led investigations.


Learning in Places

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

This resource focuses on engaging learners and their families in field-based science that connects family knowledge and place-based, student-led investigations.

CRIS 7e Lesson Plan Template

The CRIS “7e” lesson plan template, adapted from the Next Generation Science “5e”, centers the importance of including Elders and Environment in Indigenous STEM teaching and learning. The template is a way for teachers to weave Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) and Western Science into lessons, and has been formative in helping team members integrate community knowledge and land-based education into science learning experiences. 


CRIS Project Team

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

This lesson plan template centers the importance of including Elders and Environment in Indigenous STEM teaching and learning, and is a way for teachers to weave Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) and Western Science into lessons.