What's New on CADREK12.org

Event | Expanding AI Innovation through Capacity Building and Partnerships (ExpandAI) Full Proposal Deadline
Learn more at https://new.nsf.gov/funding/opportunities/expanding-ai-innovation-throu….
Event | NSF's Eddie Bernice Johnson Inclusion across the Nation of Communities of Learners of Underrepresented Discoverers in Engineering and Science Initiative (INCLUDES) Full Proposal Deadline
Proposals for INCLUDES conferences. Learn more at https://new.nsf.gov/funding/opportunities/nsfs-eddie-bernice-johnson-in….
Event | ADVANCE: Organizational Change for Gender Equity in STEM Academic Professions (ADVANCE) Preliminary Proposal Deadline
Learn more at https://new.nsf.gov/funding/opportunities/advance-organizational-change….
Event | Growing Convergence Research Full Proposal Deadline
Learn more at https://new.nsf.gov/funding/opportunities/growing-convergence-research-….
Event | xpanding AI Innovation through Capacity Building and Partnerships (ExpandAI) Full Proposal Deadline
Learn more at https://new.nsf.gov/funding/opportunities/expanding-ai-innovation-throu….
Event | Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers Resource Center (ITEST RC) Full Proposal Deadline
Learn more at https://new.nsf.gov/funding/opportunities/innovative-technology-experie….
Resource | Promoting Students’ Informal Inferential Reasoning Through Arts-Integrated Data Literacy Education
Purpose Arts-integration is a promising approach to building students’ abilities to create and critique arguments with data, also known as informal inferential reasoning (IIR). However, differences in disciplinary practices and routines, as well as school organization and culture, can pose barriers to subject integration. The purpose of this study is to describe synergies and tensions between…
Resource | Promoting Students’ Informal Inferential Reasoning Through Arts-Integrated Data Literacy Education
Purpose Arts-integration is a promising approach to building students’ abilities to create and critique arguments with data, also known as informal inferential reasoning (IIR). However, differences in disciplinary practices and routines, as well as school organization and culture, can pose barriers to subject integration. The purpose of this study is to describe synergies and tensions between…
Resource | Promoting Students’ Informal Inferential Reasoning Through Arts-Integrated Data Literacy Education
Purpose Arts-integration is a promising approach to building students’ abilities to create and critique arguments with data, also known as informal inferential reasoning (IIR). However, differences in disciplinary practices and routines, as well as school organization and culture, can pose barriers to subject integration. The purpose of this study is to describe synergies and tensions between…
Resource | Understanding the Effect of Differences in Prior Knowledge on Middle School Students’ Collaborative Interactions and Learning
We investigated how the level of variance in students’ prior knowledge may have influenced their collaborative interactions and science learning in small groups. We examined learning outcomes from 102 groups from seven science teachers’ classes and discourse from two contrasting groups: Homogeneous versus heterogeneous. We examined individual and group outcomes using hierarchical linear modeling…
Resource | Teachers’ Use and Adaptation of a Model-based Climate Curriculum: A Three-Year Longitudinal Study
Foregrounding climate education in formal science learning environments provides students with opportunities to develop critical climate-related knowledge and skills. However, research has shown many challenges to teaching and learning about Earth’s climate and global climate change (GCC). This longitudinal study aims to establish how secondary science teachers, over time, implement model-based…
Resource | Teachers’ Use and Adaptation of a Model-based Climate Curriculum: A Three-Year Longitudinal Study
Foregrounding climate education in formal science learning environments provides students with opportunities to develop critical climate-related knowledge and skills. However, research has shown many challenges to teaching and learning about Earth’s climate and global climate change (GCC). This longitudinal study aims to establish how secondary science teachers, over time, implement model-based…
Early Career News | #Resilience Is Not Enough for Black Women in STEM: Counterstories of Two Young Black Women Becoming a STEM Person
Roxanne Hughes, Amal Ibourk (CAREER Awardee), Lauren Wagner, Kelli Jones, and Samantha Crawford published this Journal of Research in Science Teaching article.
Resource | Resisting Marginalization with Culturally Responsive Mathematical Modeling in Elementary Classrooms
Mathematical modeling (MM) - a cyclical process that involves using mathematics to make-sense of and analyze relevant, real-world situations - has the potential to advance equity and challenge spaces of marginalization in the elementary mathematics classroom. When informed by culturally responsive teaching practices, MM creates opportunities to center the knowledge and experiences that students…
Resource | Resisting Marginalization with Culturally Responsive Mathematical Modeling in Elementary Classrooms
Mathematical modeling (MM) - a cyclical process that involves using mathematics to make-sense of and analyze relevant, real-world situations - has the potential to advance equity and challenge spaces of marginalization in the elementary mathematics classroom. When informed by culturally responsive teaching practices, MM creates opportunities to center the knowledge and experiences that students…
Resource | Resisting Marginalization with Culturally Responsive Mathematical Modeling in Elementary Classrooms
Mathematical modeling (MM) - a cyclical process that involves using mathematics to make-sense of and analyze relevant, real-world situations - has the potential to advance equity and challenge spaces of marginalization in the elementary mathematics classroom. When informed by culturally responsive teaching practices, MM creates opportunities to center the knowledge and experiences that students…
Resource | Resisting Marginalization with Culturally Responsive Mathematical Modeling in Elementary Classrooms
Mathematical modeling (MM) - a cyclical process that involves using mathematics to make-sense of and analyze relevant, real-world situations - has the potential to advance equity and challenge spaces of marginalization in the elementary mathematics classroom. When informed by culturally responsive teaching practices, MM creates opportunities to center the knowledge and experiences that students…
Early Career News | Learning to Listen: Cultivating Pre-Service Teachers’ Attunement to Student Thinking
Shannon G. Davidson, Lama Z. Jaber (CAREER Awardee), and Allison Metcalf co-authored this article for the Journal of Science Teacher Education.
Resource | Learning to Listen: Cultivating Pre-Service Teachers’ Attunement to Student Thinking
Reform efforts in science and mathematics education highlight students’ experiences and sensemaking repertoires as valuable resources for instruction. Yet, there is much to learn about how to cultivate teachers’ capacity for eliciting, understanding, and responding to students’ contributions. We argue that the first step of this cultivation is teachers’ learning to listen: to attune and attend to…
Resource | Fostering Expansive and Connective Sensemaking with Preservice Secondary Science Teachers
Preservice secondary science teachers often experience science learning in narrow and marginalizing ways in their science preparation. These experiences cause harm, particularly for preservice teachers of color. They also limit the disciplinary resources they can develop for later teaching science in ways that value and sustain their students' ways of knowing and being in the world. Our research…
Resource | Characteristics of Mathematics Coaches’ Suggestions to Teachers
We developed an analytic framework related to the suggestions coaches provided to mathematics teachers as they engaged in content-focused coaching cycles. We analyzed 712 suggestions from nine coaches and 58 coaching conversations. Analysis focused on what the suggestion entailed and how suggestions were made. Most suggestions focused on revising or adding a task feature or asking questions to…
Resource | Why Do Teachers Vary in Their Instructional Change During Science PD? The Role of Noticing Students in an Iterative Change Process
Instructional shifts required by equitable, reform-based science instruction are challenging, especially in the elementary context. Such shifts require professional development (PD) that supports teacher internalization of new pedagogical strategies as well as changes in beliefs about how students learn. Because of this complexity, many PD programs struggle to foster lasting pedagogical shifts,…
Resource | Why Does Teacher Learning Vary in Professional Development? Accounting for Organisational Conditions
Professional development providers often struggle with how some teachers take up and internalise new instructional practices while others have difficulty implementing new ideas and strategies. Teacher personal characteristics account for only part of this differentiation in learning, and there are unanswered questions regarding how organisational conditions shape teacher learning in professional…
Event | Webinar: Revised Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG) (NSF 24-1)
A revised version of the NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) (NSF 24-1) has been issued. The new PAPPG will be effective for proposals submitted or due on or after May 20, 2024.  NSF will present information about these changes in a webinar on March 12th at 2PM EST.  You are encouraged to review the by-chapter Summary of…
Resource | Understanding the Cognitive Processes of Mathematical Problem Posing: Evidence from Eye Movements
This study concerns the cognitive process of mathematical problem posing, conceptualized in three stages: understanding the task, constructing the problem, and expressing the problem. We used the eye tracker and think-aloud methods to deeply explore students’ behavior in these three stages of problem posing, especially focusing on investigating the influence of task situation format and…
Resource | Exploring the Noticing of Science Teachers: What Teachers' Notice and Using Video to Capture Teacher Knowledge
Knowing how science teachers develop their professional knowledge has been a challenge. One potential way to determine the professional knowledge of teachers is through videos. In the study described here, the authors recruited 60 elementary and secondary science teachers, showed them one of two 10-min videos, and recorded and analyzed their comments when watching the videos. The coding focused…
Resource | Evaluating the Effectiveness of an Online Professional Development for Rural Middle-School Science Teachers
In rural, geographically dispersed school districts, access to high-quality face-to-face professional development (PD) is challenging. Our study developed and compared the effectiveness of an online PD for middle-school science teachers working in remote, rural areas of Kansas with an evidence-based traditional face-to-face PD with the goal of supporting change in teachers’ conceptual…
Resource | Comparing Optimization Practices Across Engineering Learning Contexts Using Process Data
Despite an increasing focus on integrating engineering design in K-12 settings, relatively few studies have investigated how to support students to engage in systematic processes to optimize the designs of their solutions. Emerging learning technologies such as computational models and simulations enable rapid feedback to learners about their design performance, as well as the ability to research…
Resource | Comparing Optimization Practices Across Engineering Learning Contexts Using Process Data
Despite an increasing focus on integrating engineering design in K-12 settings, relatively few studies have investigated how to support students to engage in systematic processes to optimize the designs of their solutions. Emerging learning technologies such as computational models and simulations enable rapid feedback to learners about their design performance, as well as the ability to research…
Resource | ‘But, Is It Supposed to be a Straight Line?’ Scaffolding Students’ Experiences with Pressure Sensors and Material Resistance in a High School Biology Classroom
This case study examines how material resistance (limitations posed by the physical world) and graph interpretation intersected during a high school biology investigation using digital sensors. We use an extended episode from a small group to illustrate how, in an inquiry-based unit, measuring near the resolution limit of a sensor caused scaling issues in graphs. Qualitative videotape analysis…