
Pre-service K-8 Teachers’ Professional Noticing and Strategy Evaluation Skills: An Exploratory Study

This study sheds light on three teaching competencies: Pre-service teachers’ (PSTs’) professional noticing of student mathematical reasoning and strategies, their ability to assess the validity of student reasoning and strategies, and to select student strategy for class discussion. Our results reveal that PSTs with strong awareness of mathematically significant aspects of student reasoning and strategies (focused noticing) were better positioned to assess the validity of student reasoning and strategies.


Vecihi S. Zambak

Marta T. Magiera

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

This study sheds light on three teaching competencies: Pre-service teachers’ (PSTs’) professional noticing of student mathematical reasoning and strategies, their ability to assess the validity of student reasoning and strategies, and to select student strategy for class discussion.

Supporting English Learners in STEM Subjects




Committee on Supporting English Learners in STEM Subjects; David Francis and Amy Stephens (Editors)

Short Description

The imperative that all students, including English learners (ELs), achieve high academic standards and have opportunities to participate in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) learning has become even more urgent and complex given shifts in science and mathematics standards. As a group, these students are underrepresented in STEM fields in college and in the workforce at a time when the demand for workers and professionals in STEM fields is unmet and increasing. However, English learners bring a wealth of resources to STEM learning, including knowledge and interest in STEM-related content that is born out of their experiences in their homes and communities, home languages, variation in discourse practices, and, in some cases, experiences with schooling in other countries.

English Learners in STEM Subjects: Transforming Classrooms, Schools, and Lives examines the research on ELs’ learning, teaching, and assessment in STEM subjects and provides guidance on how to improve learning outcomes in STEM for these students. This report considers the complex social and academic use of language delineated in the new mathematics and science standards, the diversity of the population of ELs, and the integration of English as a second language instruction with core instructional programs in STEM.

The Use of Theory in Research on Broadening Participation in PreK–12 STEM Education: Information and guidance for prospective DRK–12 grantees

This paper seeks to provide a resource for prospective DRK–12 grantees by identifying some of the theories that current and recent DRK–12 grantees are using in their research on broadening participation.


Arthur Powell

Natalie Nielsen

Malcolm Butler

Cory Buxton

Odis Johnson, Jr.

Leanne Ketterlin-Geller

Jennifer Stiles

Catherine McCulloch

Short Description

This paper seeks to provide a resource for prospective DRK-12 awardees by identifying some of the theories that current and recent DRK-12 awardees are using in their research on broadening participation.

2018 Informational Webinars on DRK-12 Solicitation 17-584 Resources

Watch a recording of the 2018 DRK-12 Solication Webinar (use the bookmarks on left side of recording to jump to content of interest): 


Robert Ochsendorf

Karen King

Short Description

NSF program directors provides information on the DRK-12 program and solicitation in this webinar series.

Findings from the 2017 DRK-12 Program Survey



Short Description

This report presents key findings from a keyword survey administered in 2017 to the principle investigators of the CADRE Discovery Research PreK–12 (DRK–12) program during the fall of 2017. The survey asked respondents to select keywords that described their projects’ target audiences, foci, research, and evaluation.

2018 Legislative Visits Webinar Resources

In this May 2nd webinar, panelists from the National Science Foundation, WestEd, and the American Association of Physics Teachers discussed how to prepare for effective informational meetings with congressional staff and craft appropriate messages about preK-12 STEM education research for conversations with local, state, and national policymakers. The webinar focused on NSF priorities and current STEM education legislation and interests, best practices for making informational legislative visits, and how to act as a resource to inform STEM education policymaking.


Neil Canfield

Augustus Mays

Rebecca Vieyra

Short Description

In this May 2nd webinar, panelists discussed how to prepare for effective informational meetings with congressional staff and craft appropriate messages about preK-12 STEM education research for conversations with local, state, and national policymakers.

Dissemination Toolkit: Policy Outreach

Policy icon

Why Communicate with Legislators and Their Staff?

Funding for the National Science Foundation (NSF) is contingent on legislative support. Because of this, it is important for NSF awardees to communicate with legislators about the value and importance of their projects. This is especially true for legislators who sit on committees relevant to STEM education.



Short Description

Funding for the National Science Foundation (NSF) is contingent on legislative support. Because of this, it is important for NSF awardees to communicate with legislators about the value and importance of their projects.

How to envision equitable mathematics instruction: Views of U.S. and Korean preservice teachers

Lee, J., Kim, J-H., Kim, S-M., & Lim, W. (2018). How to envision equitable mathematics instruction: Views of U.S. and Korean preservice teachers. Teaching and Teacher Education, 69, 275–288. doi: 10.1016/j.tate.2017.10.010


Ji-Eun Lee

Jinho Kim

Sangmee Kim

Woong Lim

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

This article focused on equitable mathematics instruction for U.S. and Korean preservice teachers.

Directing focus and enabling inquiry with representations of practice: Written cases, storyboards, and teacher education

We discuss affordances and liabilities of using a storyboard to depict a written case of a teacher’s dilemma that involves race, opportunity to learn, and student community. We rely on reflections by the teacher educator who authored the written case and later depicted it as a storyboard to use it with his preservice teachers (PSTs).


Patricio Herbst

Nicolas Boileau

Lawrence Clark

Daniel Chazan

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

In this conference paper, authors discuss affordances and liabilities of using a storyboard to depict a written case of a teacher’s dilemma that involves race, opportunity to learn, and student community.

Uncovering the Skills That Preservice Teachers Bring to Teacher Education: The Practice of Eliciting a Student’s Thinking

Although teacher education is the formal means by which novices are prepared for teaching, they come having already had significant experience in schools. Preservice teachers have formed habits of “teaching” which influence their learning to teach. This article reports a study of the specific knowledge of and skills with teaching practice that novices bring to teacher education with respect to one teaching practice, eliciting student thinking in elementary mathematics, and describes the use of a standardized teaching simulation to learn about novices’ skills.


Meghan Shaughnessy

Timothy A. Boerst

Lead Organization(s)
Short Description

This article reports a study of the specific knowledge of and skills with teaching practice that novices bring to teacher education with respect to one teaching practice, eliciting student thinking in elementary mathematics, and describes the use of a standardized teaching simulation to learn about novices’ skills.