Education R&D Partnership Tool

Education research and development (R&D) partnerships have the potential to develop knowledge and resources that contribute to improved student learning. Often districts and schools are asked to participate in R&D projects, and yet, there is little guidance in the field of education R&D regarding strategies to make project partnerships effective and mutually beneficial. Based on the hard-won lessons of education practitioners, researchers, and developers who have partnered on R&D projects, this tool is intended to help others assess and improve their own R&D partnerships. The tool assumes that most education R&D projects benefit when they are built on collaborative relationships in which partner districts and schools have a substantive role and give valued input on project goals, design, and implementation.

Organized around six themes for establishing and nurturing successful partnerships, the Education R&D Partnership Tool includes a Work Sheet that prompts reflection and discussion on prominent issues, as well as a parallel Reference Sheet with practical considerations. It includes tips for starting and sustaining a partnership dialogue and an appendix that elaborates on the six themes.