Developing and Evaluating Assessments of Problem Solving (Collaborative Research: Bostic and Sondergeld)

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Principal Investigator:

Through DEAP, we have created three Problem-Solving Measures (PSMs) that address the Common Core State Math Content for grades 3, 4, 5, and 6 and built a robust validity argument for their use and score interpretations. We have also used vertical equating to link the PSMs with the already functioning middle-school PSMs (grades 6, 7, and 8). We are constructing a DEAP reporting system and investigating how the reporting system formatively informs teachers instructional decisions. As a result of this collaborative work, researchers, teachers, and others will have a measure of students' problem solving, students' knowledge. Recently, the PSMs have been used with teachers successfully as a measure of pedagogical content knowledge in both research and programmatic-level contexts.

Co-PI(s): Gabriel Matney, Bowling Green State University; Toni Sondergeld, Drexel University
