2018 DR K-12 PI Meeting Call for Proposals: Session Submission Form

2018 DRK-12 PI Meeting ThemeCADRE invites proposals for awardee-led concurrent sessions that are responsive to the theme of the meeting and address topics of potential interest to subgroups of PIs. Sessions should go beyond a simple showcase of project work. Rather, presenters should address multiple perspectives on the theme. We also invite sessions that address project design, implementation, dissemination, and evaluation, such as issues related to methodology, measurement, partnerships, sustainability, or scale-up. Please email cadre@edc.org with any questions or concerns.

Read the full 2018 DRK-12 PI Meeting Theme and Call for Proposals before submitting the form below.

Since you will not be able to return to the site and edit your submission, we suggest that you collect the required information ahead of time—using this template as a guide—and transfer the information to the survey when ready. Please email cadre@edc.org with any questions or concerns. 

Deadline: March 13, 2018