
Spotlights on STEM Education Research

This Spotlight highlights the ways in which DRK-12 projects are engaging families and caregivers to support STEM learning, including building parent leadership capacity and co-creating and testing home-based activities, and why this engagement has been important to their work.

Explore how DRK-12 projects are leveraging collaborative teacher learning approaches to improve science, engineering, and mathematics instruction.

This Spotlight features projects that are integrating social studies with STEM learning and practices.

CADRE Products

Quality early STEM experiences provide a critical foundation for learning about science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) in ways that facilitate later learning. Early childhood…

Broadening participation in PreK–12 STEM provides ALL students with STEM learning experiences that can prepare them for civic life and the workforce. In this way, broadening participation has the…

This paper seeks to provide a resource for prospective DRK–12 grantees by identifying some of the theories that current and recent DRK–12 grantees are using in their research on broadening…

DRK-12 Research and Products

This article provides a systematic review of the validity evidence related to measures used in elementary mathematics education. The review includes measures that focus on elementary students as the…

This article explores science teachers’ implementation of science and engineering practices (SEPs) under different instructional settings.

In this article, we explore demands and tensions involved when schools implement ambitious mathematics teaching (AMT).