
Special Issue: Dissemination Dear Colleagues,   As we each grapple with how to best achieve our desired project outcomes and impacts, CADRE has pulled together some resources to help. In this special…
Dear Colleagues: Happy New Year!   We are starting the year with a commitment to disseminating your findings and resources in many different ways.   We have begun soliciting participants for the second annual…
Dear Colleagues: The CADRE team wishes you a productive professional year in 2015! In the fall, we welcomed the newest cohort of Fellows to the CADRE community. They are an exceptional group of early career researchers and…
Dear Colleagues: I am writing to let you know that we are in discussion with NSF  about organizing a 2014 DR K-12 PI meeting, preferably in early August. While there has not been a final sign-off by NSF, we are…
Dear Colleagues, CADRE's work this year is largely focused on dissemination, and we are pleased to send you this quarterly CADRE newsletter that highlights efforts and resources related to that focus. We will disseminate…
Dear Colleagues: Just a reminder that the 2012 DR K-12 PI Meeting will be held June 13-15th at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City in Arlington, VA. Registration will open in April, and we hope you will be able to participate.…
Greetings from CADRE Dear Colleagues, With the December PI meeting behind us, we are now planning some follow-up support for grantees who participated in special interest groups and job-alike groups. We are organizing…
Greetings from CADRE Dear Colleagues, There is a lot to share since we last saw you at the November DR K-12 PI Meeting. We have been pulling together resources that we expect will be interesting and hopefully valuable to…
Dear Colleagues,   We hope that you are all having a great summer! We invite you to take a break from your summer reading list to glance at the new CADRE Early Career Guide. For those of us who work to improve…
Dear Colleagues: All our appreciation goes to June's DR K-12 PI Meeting participants. In this issue, we highlight some of the information, ideas, and resources that came out of your good work and conversation at the…
Dear Colleagues: We've begun summer with a lot of enthusiasm about the coming year. Please save the date of June 1-3, 2016 for the DR K-12 PI Meeting to take place in Washington, D.C. On the basis of your evaluations of…
Greetings from CADRE Dear Colleagues, CADRE Advisory BoardWe recently met with our national advisory group and as always, found their guidance and counsel to be very practical and wise. Thanks to the following advisors who…
Greetings from CADRE Dear Colleagues, Summer is coming to an end, and CADRE is planning the 2010 DR K-12 PI meeting. Scheduled for Dec. 1-3 in D.C., we are trying hard to incorporate evaluation findings, advisors’…
Greetings from CADRE Dear Colleagues, CADRE (originally known as the DR-K12 Resource Network) will soon complete its first year. Our major task this year has been an analysis of the DR-K12 portfolio, examining the…
Dear Colleagues,   This newsletter highlights the work of DRK-12 projects, particularly those developing products for the practice of scientific modeling and several mathematics projects featured in an AERA…
Dear Colleagues, We are writing to wish you a good summer, inform you of new resources, and let you know what we'll be working on in the coming months. We have updated the Student and Teacher Assessment Compendia, which…
Dear Colleagues: If you haven't heard, we lost a very well respected NSF colleague, Dr. Janice Earle, who was program director for many of us over several decades. We and others had wonderful professional relationships…
Dear Colleagues: With spring almost here and preparation for conferences underway, we are all thinking more about dissemination strategies. Let us help you! Send us a quick update on your project with an accompanying link…
Greetings from CADRE  Dear DR K-12 Colleagues: We are pleased to send you our fourth CADRE newsletter. Since the PI meeting in November, we have had a lot of activity, thanks to many of you who are participating…
Welcome To CADRE Dear DR-K12 PI, At the fall 2008 DR-K12 PI meeting, Joan Ferrini-Mundy announced the formation of a network, housed at EDC, to provide support to grantees in the Discovery Research portfolio. Network staff…
Dear Colleagues, This month’s Spotlight on Algebra Education in DRK-12 features projects focused on the connections between teaching practices, student reasoning, and the effectiveness of interventions. The projects…
Dear Colleagues, A recent budget memo outlines US priorities for research and development (R&D) in fiscal year 2025, emphasizing a range of sectors including artificial intelligence, economic competitiveness, social…
Dear Colleagues, CADRE is excited to announce that we’re now accepting applications for the 2023 CADRE Fellows program! This program offers mentorship and community building for early career scholars and seeks to increase…
Dear Colleagues, This month, we are preparing to launch a new iteration of CADRE. Meet our team and learn more about our new initiatives. We are also revising some of our existing programs, such as our CADRE Fellows and…
Dear Colleagues, The CADRE Fellows nominations are open! Please spread the word about this professional growth opportunity for early career researchers. Applications are due October 8, 2020. Schools are back in session.…
Dear Colleagues, This month we are featuring DRK-12 projects with a focus on STEM pathways. Though there may not be consensus of what constitutes a STEM job, we might all agree that educational…
Dear Colleagues, We received many qualified applicants for the 2018-19 CADRE Fellows program and will announce acceptances in our October newsletter. Thank you to applicants and nominating awardees!   For those…
Dear Colleagues,   CADRE is happy to welcome a new cohort of DRK-12 awardees. The new projects are already represented on the CADRE website. We invite you to explore!  CADRE is one of the new DRK-12 awards…
Dear Colleagues, We have several announcements that we’re excited to share with you: NSF has asked us to host a 2025 DRK-12 PI Meeting. Please mark June 9-11, 2025, on your calendars, and PIs of active awards should watch…
Dear Colleagues, This month’s Spotlight on Research and Practice Partnerships highlights current DRK-12 project work and the pivotal role of partnerships in advancing our understanding of effective teaching and learning…
Dear Colleagues, As we enter Year 2 of our current CADRE project, we are excited to build off of our previous work and offer support to a new cohort of early career scholars through the CADRE Fellows. (Watch for an…
Dear Colleagues, This month we begin accepting applications for the CADRE Fellows Program. We’ve made some exciting changes to the program. We’re combining the Fellows and Postdoc programs this year and inviting…
Dear Colleagues, Building strong foundations for STEM literacy, one of the goals outlined in the federal STEM education strategic plan, includes investing in our youngest learners. This month, we are rebooting our…
Dear Colleagues, We are excited to announce the 2019-20 CADRE Fellows, selected from an outstanding pool of applicants. We look forward to learning more about their work in the year ahead. Thank you to all who…
Dear Colleagues, Concurrent to our release of two new products focused on broadening participation in STEM education (see below), the National Academies has announced its new report, English Learners in STEM Subjects:…
Dear Colleagues,   Please join us in welcoming the 2017-18 CADRE Fellows! Their bios are accessible below. Over the next year, we may invite you to share your experiences with them!   In every…
Dear Colleagues, This month's Spotlight on Games in STEM Education showcases innovative research into the role of gaming as a powerful tool to boost engagement and learning in STEM classrooms. Two blog posts featured in…
Dear Colleagues, Congratulations to those of you who submitted a DRK-12 proposal. We have our fingers crossed for your success. If you didn't submit, we encourage you to consider serving in a reviewer capacity. It's not…
Dear Colleagues, This month’s newsletter includes a Spotlight on projects researching artificial intelligence (AI) in STEM teaching, learning, and assessment. It sheds light on directions in AI education research and…
Dear Colleagues, CADRE is excited to plan and offer new supports for DRK-12 awardees. Please take our survey on your professional interests and needs, if you haven't already. It should take you less than 10 minutes to…
Dear Colleagues, The new CADRE Fellows are getting to know each other this week at the virtual program orientation. Selecting a cohort of 2020-21 Fellows from among a very competitive applicant pool isn’t…
Dear Colleagues, This month, we spotlight research on supporting teachers in choosing, adapting, and/or developing STEM instructional materials. Teachers are increasingly involved in these curriculum activities and…
Dear Colleagues, October was National Disabilities Awareness Month, and December 3 is International Day of Disabled Persons. So this month, CADRE is featuring DRK-12 projects studying STEM education for children and…
Dear Colleagues,   To close out November, we are excited to share a new product, developed in collaboration with DRK-12 awardees, which offers practical design guidelines for online and blended professional…
Dear Colleagues, In this newsletter, we focus on project development, specifically highlighting insights and expertise from your DRK-12 and NSF colleagues, in preparation for the coming weeks and months when many of you…
Dear Colleagues, Administrators and teacher leaders have distinct roles when it comes to leading and carrying out STEM teaching and learning. They discuss the vision for and implementation of instruction, how to use data…
Dear Colleagues, More than 40 DRK-12 projects presented videos in the recent STEM For All Video Showcase. It isn’t too late to view those videos to learn about current work! For those considering submitting a proposal for…
Dear Colleagues, This month we’re featuring DRK-12 CAREER awardees. The next deadline for CAREER proposal submissions is July 26. We encourage you to explore resources in our NSF Proposal Toolkit if you are considering…
Dear Colleagues, Congratulations and a warm welcome to the newest DRK-12 award winners. Also, congratulations to DRK-12 STEM for All Video Showcase award winners and all of those who shared a video this year.…
Dear Colleagues, Save the date! The 2020 DRK-12 PI Meeting will be held June 3-5, 2020, at the Washington Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington, D.C. Invitations will be sent next winter. In the meantime, please send…